Monday, October 12, 2020

Change the way you think

 We have our own unique spin on different things because we are individuals.

 Just consider an accident scene we come across. Ten people could all witness the same accident and each of them would have a unique perception of what had taken place. One or two or more of us would spin the story one way focusing one the people inside the vehicle. Someone else would spin another focusing on the damage to the cars. Another witness would focus on the bad state of the road which may have been the first cause of the accident.

 Now come the police in their screeching vehicles intent on settling who was at fault. The insurance agent would have his own spin questions too. It’s possible the last guy would make up the story so that his company wouldn’t have to pay more than what is necessary.

 Perceptions are different and unique. They can be tricky too. Sometimes we over-spin things making mountains out of molehills. I once made a mountain out of the muck of a molehill and wallowed in self-pity but had the good sense to argue myself out of it and see reason. Perceptions can make us discouraged even when there’s no need for discouragement.

 On the other hand, good perceptions can lift our spirits up even though we see things as hopeless. In these pandemic times a medical problem might seem to be the end of the road to someone but a chance to trust God, for another.

 Perhaps many of us have a ‘woe is me attitude problem. Shouldn’t we think in a hopeful way yet anticipating only the best. Today we can ask God to give us joy to meet the right people who have a great disposition. Right attitudes produce right thoughts

 A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor can any human being be cleansed without a right attitude

 Let’s march onward in our lives with right perceptions

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